Runner of the month

Huarache Turbo would like to acknowledge all the awesome runners out there!


Francesca Trevino

I still remember my very first 5K. I was eight years-old, and there were only two of us kids at the starting line. I am not sure if I was older or a bit faster, but I won my first race! After that beautiful experience, running became a very special part of my life.  As the years passed I witnessed my brother Jose become a running star. He also became my favorite runner. Later, when I moved to the States and joined the cross country team, my brother supported my running goals and dreams – he was always there for me.
Recalling these wonderful childhood memories inspired me to select Francesca Trevino as my “Runner of the Month.” Francesca is nine years-old and will start 4th grade next fall. Her favorite subject is science - she enjoys learning about animals. This beautiful young lady started running when she was six, and at only nine years-old Francesca has already done multiple races. Her mother, Belinda Colombo, is very supportive of Francesca’s running - at times running next to her or waiting for her at the finish line. I met Belinda and Francesca two years ago, and since then I have kept-up with Francesca’s running life. It is such an honor for me to be part of this young lady’s life, because Francesca's dedication to training and staying focused is one of the characteristics I admire most in people. For Francesca, it does not matter whether it is hot or cold outside, she is up and ready to race. Francesca is unique, because at such a young age she knows exactly what she wants from life. She has her own goals – one of which is to help other kids get into running. This is great!  It is not common to see young kids focus on running and willing to help other kids! Really, how many kids at her age spend time training and doing 5Ks? Below is what this little corazoncita shared with me about her running life:

Ceci - How did you get into running?

- My mom took me to a kids run when I was 6 years-old. I am 9 years-old now. 

Ceci - Do you remember your first running event? 

Francesca - Yes, it was a SARR free fun run. It was hot! 

Ceci - What do you like best about running?

Francesca - I like the part at the end when people cheer you on. I always run faster through the finish line, and I sometimes get a medal. 

Ceci - What is your favorite running distance? 

Francesca - 5K, when there are other kids to run with. Oh, I also like the 4 milers.

Ceci - Do you admire any famous runner? 

Francesca - Liza Hunter-Galvan, because she's nice to me. 

Ceci - Do you have a favorite running event? if yes, which one and why? 

Francesca - I like the Nerd Run and The Valentine Run. Really, any races in cold weather, because I can run faster. 

Ceci - What are your running goals?

Francesca - I would like to do 13 miles when I'm 12 years-old. 

Ceci - What other hobbies besides running do you have? 

Francesca - I like to draw, swim, and play with Barbies.
Ceci - What is your best running memory?

Francesca - One time, I beat a 10 year-old when I was 7. 

Ceci - Any advice to all the kids your age? 

Francesca - I would say, if you want to be a runner I can train you. Also don't be afraid to follow your dreams.