Runner of the month

Huarache Turbo would like to acknowledge all the awesome runners out there!

September 2019 | May | June | October | | July | January

Irene Stiles

I am back with my runner of the month. It took me forever to get back on track, but thanks to my friend Deborah Reina, I am here again. Gracias Deb for reminding me about my runner-of-the-month-section. I will try my best to have one every month and not get behind again.

I always say that running is the best cure for broken hearts; it heals the soul and makes you fall in love with life all over gain. At least this is what running does for me, and this is exactly what happened to the person I picked to be my runner of the month. Her name is Irene Stiles. Irene started running at 45 years of age to heal a broken heart. But I chose Irene as my runner of the month not because she was heart broken–that was many years ago. I chose her because I have the feeling that she is very much in love with running. I can see it when she crosses the finish line at my races. I've also noticed that she is very supportive of the running community: she runs most of the local running events, and I have seen her volunteer at races as well. Mrs. Stiles not only runs local events, she also runs all over the country and sometimes even outside the USA. For these reasons I feel she is the perfect runner of the month candidate. Here are some questions I asked her about how she started her running journey.

Ceci: Irene, please tell me about your life as a runner. How long have you been running?

Irene: My life as a runner has been an amazing journey. I started running at the age of 45. I have been running now for 15 years. 

Ceci: What motivated you to start running?

Irene: relationship break-up, it was my way of keeping my mind occupied and heal my heart. 

Ceci: What are the distances you enjoy the most? I see you run from 5Ks to full marathons.

Irene: I run 5k's to full marathons.

Ceci: I see you also like trail running. What do you prefer, trail running or road races?

Irene: I have run a few trail running races, however, I prefer and love road races. 

Ceci: What is your favorite local running event and why?

Irene: Oh my goodness, I have so many favorite running events, but I really love the Dia de los Muertos event. I love it because it is fun, I enjoy seeing the runners creativity with the costumes they put together. The awards are priceless and  of course, I love the after party. 

Ceci: What is your favorite running distance?

Irene: I enjoy half marathons the most.

Ceci: Tell me how you usually train. Do you run alone or with a group of friends?

Irene: I usually train with a running group.

Ceci: How many marathons and half marathons have you done?

Irene: I have run 3 full marathons & 42 half marathons

Ceci: What has been your best marathon experience and your worst?

Irene: My best marathon experience is seeing my family & friends waiting at the finish line  for me. The best feeling in the world. My worst marathon experience is getting rained on before the start, clothes, socks & shoes are drenched, then the sun comes out, drying my socks & ending up with blisters on my feet, limping all the way to the finish. 

Ceci: Have you experienced any running injuries and how do you cope with them?

Irene: I have experienced running injuries and I see a sports medicine doctor right away. I  heal completely before I start running again. 

Ceci: Any advance for women your age who think they can’t run anymore?

: My advice to women my age & any age, is to keep moving, age is nothing but a number.  You are never too old to start running/walking.  Running/walking keeps the mind and body healthy. You do not have to run fast, you just keep moving. 

Ceci: Describe yourself in 3 running words.

Irene: Limitless, Dedicated, Motivating